Third in the Hooked X series, this book explores new scientific findings and recently discovered documents that show a vastly different story of North American history than the current narrative. The revelations in theCryptic Codeare sure to generate new discussion around the medieval Knights Templar, their role in the European exploration of North America, and of the origins of the Hooked X. In Wolter's continued pursuit to understand and authenticate the Kensington Rune Stone, found in Minnesota in 1898, and the important role the Knights Templar had within history,he uncovers the layers of cryptic code that authenticates the Rune Stone once and for all.
The Templars Knew How to Calculate - Scott Wolter Answers
Going back even further, to the original population of the Americas: .. The Templars were part of a secret society that was ideologically opposed to the .. I fully believe the Hooked X is most likely connected to Templars and/or . PS: Just google "Norse Code-stone" to see what it is about, in more detail.
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Cryptic Code: The Templars in America and the Origins of the
Third in the Hooked X series, this book explores new scientific findings and recently discovered documents that show a vastly different story of North American
Customer reviews: The Hooked X: Key to the Secret -
The Hooked X: Key to the Secret History of North America by Scott. Cryptic Code: The Templars in America and the Origins of the Hooked X. byScott F. Wolter.
Scott Wolter: America Unearthed – Rebooted | Earth Ancients
He is known best as the host of the series “America Unearthed”. book, “Cryptic Code of the Templar's in America: Origins of the Hooked X,” is
Now Available for Preorder! Cryptic Code - North Star Press
Channel's America Unearthed. Release date: September 17th, 2019. Cryptic Code of the Templars in America: Origins of the Hooked X™.
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